Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today's ArchiPic #73

Microsoft Technology Center by SmithGroup
Photo: James Haefner

    Today's ArchiPic is the Microsoft Technology Center in Southfield, Michigan.  Featured under the "Lighting" tab at archrecord.construction.com, the new center is a masterpiece that uses some of the recent advancements in lighting products.  Sleek and modern, the Microsoft Technology Center was completed by SmithGroup.  After they designed four other centers for Microsoft, they were asked to make a fifth.  Its 16,300 square-foot space has the most intricate lighting design, and SmithGroup's goal was to "choreograph movement with lighting."  They sure accomplished that.  LEDs in the ceiling are hidden behind a cove, and Microsoft's servers shine behind the glass in the lobby.  There are a series of dropped ceilings with a linear strip of LEDs that guide the visitors to important areas.  Matthew Alleman, the lead lighting designer, said, "The LED technology for us, it was a no-brainer. It’s easy to maintain, elegant, and fits into tight spaces.  It’s also a simple solution in this case.[Microsoft] wanted to have a great space to show their clients, but they also wanted to be able to maintain it to keep it at its peak performance."

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