Tuesday, March 29, 2011

RCT3 Let's Play | Visitors' Center

As you can see here, I started with a flat slab as a foundation for the Visitors' Center.  It took a little over an hour of trial an error until I actually got the design the way I wanted it.

That's weird.  It almost looks like a shopping center!  Technically it is because it sells information and food.

Here are some better angles of the Visitors' Center.

The inside took the longest.  The walls are slate with red paint.  In the very middle are the information stands.  The food court is right behind the photo.

This is a photo of the Visitors' Center in the morning.  I haven't opened the park (city) up yet.  I can really only pretend it is a city because this is a theme park game.  So it's kind of hard to get the city to work and look right.  I will also be adding a lot more vegetation outside tomorrow.  I'm still looking for a good city game.  I would say Sims 3, but you have to buy all these packs that cost money to have a full experience.  And I'm not up to that.  The only reason I like the Sims 3 is because you can design a house with almost no limits.  I just hope I can find something that I can express architecture and design more easily without any limits.  Anyway, stay tuned for my next RCT3 Let's Play post, and enjoy the ARCHITECTURE!

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