Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Inspiring the Making of Cement with Coral

    I'm doing something different I don't normally do.  Today, I'm going to be posting some videos, and the first one out of this (possible) future series is about Bio mimicry and how to use it to make cement the way coral does.  It's a growing problem every day for architectural engineers, trying to find a way to limit pollution can be tricky.  That's why Brent Constantz, a Bio mineralization scientist, is studying the way coral creates its structures out of carbon dioxide and using that information to create cement without releasing destructive carbon dioxide gases.

    Coral builds reefs with carbon dioxide and water, and Constantz has found a way to make cement out of the same thing.  His process is supposed to actually remove the carbon dioxide from the air.  It's absolutely genius.  The process goes like this, "Constantz's company Calera in Monterrey Bay, takes waste CO2 gas from a local power plant and dissolves it into seawater to form carbonate, which mixes with calcium in the seawater and creates a solid," said

>> Video from:

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