Monday, January 16, 2012

Minecraft Architecture | Alimar - Update 1

    Welcome to the next project of ours that we will hopefully finish!

    Since Sunday (January 15), my little brother and I have been working on a new project called the city of Alimar.  Inspired from Skyrim, Alimar has a good future.  It already has eight houses furnished, nine exteriors complete and overall, the residential district is finished.  Of course, if you have seen Skyrim, you know how beautiful the architecture is, and you should be looking forward to see our next build!  (Click on the images below to enlarge to full screen size!)

    This is the city of Alimar front gate.  Inside is Boethia's Circle, which is a roundabout street where the entrance to each district is.  The Wind District is residential, the Cloud District is a farming district, and the Star District is a commercial district that is home to the palace, barracks, markets, and stores of many kinds.

    This is Boethia's Circle, and in the middle, is the beautiful and mystical tree of Boethogg.  (Yes, I am still in adventure map/Skyrim mode!  Haha)

   This is a picture from inside the Wind (Residential) District.  It is composed of nine houses with almost all of them being furnished.  At the very back is the great Amik'r Estate, a beautiful, four story mansion.

    As you walk farther into the Wind District, you will notice that each set of houses is taller than the other.  I think it makes it look very cool and I like how it contours to the shape and rise of the land. 

    The next set of houses are two stories high and have a very complex roof design.  By the way, each set of houses have identical exteriors.

    The next set is a group of houses that have a totally different roof design.  It is a much more steeper triangle.  This house and the house across from it both have two stories.

    As we move on to the taller houses, the size has increased to three floors, and the houses are bigger and more unique.

   Sorry, it is hard to describe these houses in words.  (Other than, they are gabled and look medieval.)

    The last home in line is the great Amik'r Estate.  It was originally a lot larger, but we decided to size it down because it was overkill. 

    Four stories high, this monster is a beauty.  A red carpet brings you to the front of the estate and magnificent lighting draws you in at night.

   The shape, also, is hard to describe.  If you look at some of the houses on Skyrim in the city of Whiterun, you will know what I mean.  They have a viking style curve at each gable, and that one little detail makes the house look a lot different, which gives it a medieval feel.

    The foundation is largely made out of stone brick, and instead of using fences for railings, we decided to line it with stone brick slabs every other block, which gives it a castle feel and adds a nice finish.

    These are the future plans for the things around the residential area.  The places in white are obviously possible construction spots.  We plan on adding a bunch of things to the city as a whole, which include a wall (of course), port/shipyard, a mine, palace, temple, library, market, maybe jail, archery house/military training area, barracks, farms, windmills, and much more!  (The list could go on for awhile!)  Next monday or Tuesday, be looking for the next update on the city of Alimar!  (More architecture coming tomorrow, I think)


  1. really cool, guys! G-Ma

    1. Hey G-Ma, we are having a lot of fun building it. It's going to look amazing when we are done! -Zach

  2. Great job buddy :)
    I want to do something in Skyrimstyle too and I wanted to know wich texture-pack you use?
    Would be Great if you can tell me :)

    Greetings from Germany!

    ps: Sorry for the bad english :P

    1. Hey Thorben
      There are a couple more things I forgot to mention in my last reply haha:
      The texture pack in the post is a old texture pack. I have currently edited it a little more and changed some things so that I can make more complex structures. Like obsidian in the new tp is actually a rotated wooden planks texture. I hope you are okay with that. If not I would look at the texture packs of: Ovo's Rustic Redemption, DokuCraft, Jamziboy's Minecraft Texture Pack, or Ornate 5 (Ornate 5 is outdated). I also wanted to say that the city of Alimar was destroyed in an accident with a plugin glitch. Here is the post on what happened:
      The last thing is that you should check out our most current Minecraft project here or under the TAGS section labeled "Minecraft Architecture":

    2. Hey Thorben,
      Thanks for a great comment! And no worries about how good your English is. You're the first person to comment from Germany! Anyways Skyrim is very hard to recreate perfectly in Minecraft, haha. If you want to see the texture pack (which is a remix of different textures that I put together) the download is here:
      If you want to ask me any more questions about my blog or Minecraft, send me a message through blogger or email me at Again thanks for commenting!

  3. Thanks a lot Zach :) That helped me a lot.
