Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dazzling Designs | Taliesin West

Taliesin West was Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home in Scottsdale, Arizona.  It also served as a school!  (School of Architecture that is)  It was built in 1937 and is now open to the public.  Taliesin East, Wright's summer home in Spring Green, Wisconsin, was the first Taliesin. 

Taliesin West is one of, in my opinion, Wright's most beautiful designs.  And about the design...Wright said, "Arizona needs its own architecture… Arizona’s long, low, sweeping lines, uptilting planes. Surface patterned after such abstraction in line and color as find “realism” in the patterns of the rattlesnake, the Gila monster, the chameleon, and the saguaro, cholla or staghorn – or is it the other way around—are inspiration enough.”  It's amazing how Wright adapts to his surroundings for his architectural creations.  He paid $3.50 an acre for project.  This is much like an oasis.  Later he added a dining room, the cabaret theater, and a music pavilion.  Well, if you're an architect I guess you can design anything you want.  (Just not when you don't have enough money to build it!)  This is exactly what Wright does: he spends when there is no more money to spend.  Wright was constantly living in debt. 

Did you know that the walls are made of local desert rocks?  That is pretty cool, and Wright had the skills to incorporate the land with his design.  The home contains his personal touch, and when he returned every winter, he grabbed a hammer and made changes or shouted orders to his apprentices.  And let me tell you, that is exactly how he was: always wanting perfection!

(All images and information courtesy of Wikipedia.)

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